Zonetransfer listener: 403 forbidden


    You can find the new listener below (see the attached file). Be aware of the following changes:

    • It is no longer possible to restrict access to the provisioning script using IPs. Right now, only Basic HTTP auth feature is provided.
    • Target folder for the slave_provisioning.php provisioning script and the .htpasswd file (when auth feature is enabled) is now /var/www/imscp/gui/public/provisioning

    In order you should

    • Remove older listener (/etc/imscp/listeners.dl/ which is now deprecated in favour of this one
    • Install this new listener (/etc/imscp/listeners.dl/
    • Read all the comments in the script and fill authentication parameters if needed
    • Update your cron task on slave server(s)
    • Rerun the installer as follow perl imscp-autoinstaller -das

    Things you must known for your cron task on slave server(s)

    Slave provisioning service will be available at the following URLs:

    • http://<panel.domain.tld>:8080/provisioning/slave_provisioning.php
    • https://<panel.domain.tld>:4443/provisioning/slave_provisioning.php (if you use SSL)

    Output will be such as

    Listener file tested under Debian with i-MSCP 1.2.11



  • Listener updated ;)
