Daily backup

  • Hi, i have an ask.
    It is possible to keep all daily backups ? or something like, user can select if the daily backup keep every day backup files or keep just the last backup.

    If you don't understand what i want, i want a option to keep all days backup like this:
    + all the databases

  • Hello ;

    This is not possible without editing the i-MSCP code. The backup feature is planned for a full rewrite and what you expect here will be part or not of the next implementation. We have no due date.

    BTW: Keeping every backup archive is something crazy because in a shared hosting environment with a lot of customers, your disk space can be eaten in few days. Some user are storing huge of data. The backup feature as provided by i-MSCP is a base backup. Any hoster should normally think for a better backup strategy. Eg, the backups should normally be stored on dedicated server.


  • Hello,

    I have the same issue - Is the backup feature implemented yet? If it is: How could I realize the question asked?
    (Keeping all Daily backups - or a higher amount than the last.)

    I'd like to keep the backups for about a month or something like that.
    Is that possible now?

  • @pinky I've already answered. Just read my previous post. I you want modify the default behavior, you must learn Perl ;)
