OK people !
I finally got I-MSCP running on Raspberry PI 2 with Ubuntu 16.04.
If anyone wanna make things work, here are the steps.
1. You need a Raspberry PI 2 or 3
2. SD card class 10 - 8GB or bigger.
3. Ubuntu image from here: https://ubuntu-pi-flavour-maker.org/download/ (I use Ubuntu Server Standard 16.04)
4. unzip the image.
5. use Win32 Disk Imager to install image on SD card.
6. after boot, default username and password is "ubuntu" , "ubuntu" .
7. run apt-get update, and proceed with I-MSCP install.
WARNING ! ! ! Do NOT run apt-get dist-upgrade. If you run that, you will lose internet connection.
If someone found a solve for that problem, I wait for that.