Apache 00_mail.conf

  • Hello,
    I have the following virtual host

    But when I enter my address mail.example.org then it`s opened login page for admin panel.How to do it so that in setting mail.example.org open my webmail login page

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

  • Hello ;

    Not i-MSCP related. Thread moved.


  • Try 01_mail.conf. May it's because of the loading order

  • @Ninos

    I don't remember well but from my point of view, the IP based virtual hosts take precedence on the name-based virtual host. Here you are talking only about conffile loading order.


  • Like @Nuxwin said, try to use the Server IPs instead of a wildcard:

    1. <VirtualHost *:80>


    1. <VirtualHost YOURIP1:80 YOURIP2:80>
  • <VirtualHost YOURIP1:80 YOURIP2:80>
    I did this but after then give me this error
    The requested URL /php5-fcgi/index.php was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

  • Re;

    Of course... Since you are trying to run a php script, you must setup the fcgi wrapper for this vhost (and you must reuse the vu2000 user). Look at the 00_master.conf to pick up the needed parts.

    Another solution (more easy) would be to use the proxy module.


  • Problem is solved thanks to Ninos.
    here's our 00_mail.conf

    1. <VirtualHost IP:80>
    2. ServerName mail.example.org
    3. ServerAlias mail.*
    4. ServerAdmin [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
    5. ProxyPass / http://admin.example.org:80/webmail/
    6. ProxyPassReverse / http://admin.example.org:80/webmail/
    7. </VirtualHost>

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

  • Hello
    how I can do it now with nginx

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE