Unable to update from version 1.1.2 to 1.1.18

  • IMSCP 1.1.2
    Debian Squeeze
    MariaDB 5.5
    PHP 5.3.3-7

    hello Nuxwin, having problems upgrading to latest from 1.1.2
    I had tested in a VM with same database without problem but with the live system I get a:

    1. iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without
    2. coredump
    3. iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without
    4. coredump
    5. autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occured while performing
    6. installation steps
    7. iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code: 1
  • Hello ;

    I'm not a magician so without further details (specially the logs) I cannot help you. I'm away for the next 30 minutes so when I'm back, I'll check your system if you want. Just add my SSH key to your server and give me your server IP.


  • Re;


    Your server is now up-to-date (with latest i-MSCP version). Problems was due to:

    • Wrong APT sources.list file (one entry was malformed)
    • PHP opcache which should not be used with your PHP version (5.3) because it cause too many problems. You should use APC in place. For now, I've disabled opcache by commenting all the lines in the /etc/php5/conf.d/opcache.ini file. Anyway, any opcode cache shouldn't be enabled in CLI SAPI context.

    You should really pay attention when you compile a PHP module yourself...


  • @fulltilt

    I forgot: Don't forgot to disable the maintenance mode which is currently enabled ;)


  • @fulltilt

    Thank you. I've received it. I like donations (CHUCKLES)
