Dutch Translations

  • Sooo!
    Me and my friend decided to go translate i-MSCP, after 2 good days of work both 1.2.x, 1.1,x and the dev branch are now available in Dutch!
    Quick question.
    Plugins, they are not translatable, are they?

    Any comments on our translation work, please! Contact us and we're happy to check if we missed something.

    Thanks to nuxwin for providing some context in shady cases.

  • Hello ;

    Plugins are translatable since the i-MSCP version 1.1.16 (plugin API 0.2.12).

    Currently only the InstantSSH plugin is i18n ready. All other plugins are not yet ready for translation. I must create a howto about plugin translations.


  • Re;

    No. Plugins's developers are free to translate their plugins using either gettext, PHP file returning array, TMX files... and register them using the i-MSCP l10n_addTranslations() core function ... For the InstantSSH plugin, I've chosen simplicity (PHP file returning array):


    To resume here, if you want translate that plugin, take the file https://github.com/i-MSCP/plug…InstantSSH/l10n/en_GB.php and translate it as explained in the plugin translations section. Once it's done, post the resulting file here and I'll push it on Github ;)


  • For the record:

    i-MSCP l10n_addTranslations() core function
    See https://github.com/i-MSCP/imsc…gui/library/i18n.php#L326

    In the InstantSSH plugin, the translation are added like this:



  • @theemstra

    Transifex is good for big translation files but for plugins's translation files, it's generally more easy to deal with PHP files. I'll see later if we must add plugins's translation files on transifex.


  • Thanks for putting it in there.
    One more question.
    I was checking out the Mailman plugin on github and noticed that it has translation capabilities built in already.
    Could we translate that too? :)

  • @theemstra

    No, this plugin is not ready for translation.
