Problem mit StartSSL

  • ja, wird es. jedoch kann der Owner des Zerts nicht ausgemacht werden.
    Bei StartSSL braucht es ein Zwischenzert, welches bei einem Self Signed entfällt

  • jup, aber bei Besuchern deiner Seite kommt dann immer eine Fehler/Warnmeldung. Die meisten user klicken dann wohl auf x^^

  • Hi all, while looking for the error on certificates, I just found this thread (after looking at the wiki).
    I fixed the issue in antoher (simpler way), you just need to paste the intermediate cert in the proper field. The certificate authority already gives you this when buying a certificate.

    Had you already tried this? Shall I document this into the wiki?

  • Hi all, while looking for the error on certificates, I just found this thread (after looking at the wiki).
    I fixed the issue in antoher (simpler way), you just need to paste the intermediate cert in the proper field. The certificate authority already gives you this when buying a certificate.

    Had you already tried this? Shall I document this into the wiki?

    I think, this would be great :)

  • Great! I tested it and it works! I used: for my free certs.
    Maybe a function in Webinterface to activate a rewrite to HTTPS with .htaccess would be nice.

    I configurated it on my server like this in .htaccess:

    1. RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTPS} offRewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

    Maybe it is better to include it into the virtualhost config? I will have a look on the code and maybe I code and push it on git.

    Hmmm, rewrite rule for virtualhost would be like this:

    1. RewriteEngine on
    2. ReWriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
    3. RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [NC,R,L]

    But so fare I can't test it at the moment.
    Hmmm, what about a box with a tick to add a rewrite rule into the virualhost?

    But I see a small problem with custom rewrites:
    Example: should be http should be https

    Maybe it's better to add a feature to add custom rewrite rules?

    Edited once, last by fluser ().

  • funktioniert so ganz wunderbar. thx.

    gruss tom

  • Hey,
    sorry aber ich bin am verzweifeln. Mit keiner hier gefundenen Anleitung schaffe ich es das SSL Zertifikat in das Webfrontent reinzuladen.

    Ich füge in das erste Feld den Private.key ein
    Im zweiten Feld das Zertifkat meines Anbieters
    und im dritten das Intermediate CA meines Anbieters.

    Oft sagt mir IMSCP dass der Schlüssel und das Passwort nicht stimmen oder Firefox meldet : (Fehlercode: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)

    Leider brachte jegliche Suche auch keinen Lösungsweg.
    Deshalb hoffe ich könnt Ihr mir weiter helfen.