App Test

  • Yes...
    Use the Web software depot...
    Then you will see a list wich packages are available...
    This is a new option for the app installer...
    You can active it in the admin menues...

    But it is activated after a new installation!
    Then you can give rights to the resellers to use this option.

  • Thank you

    Small cosmetic bug

    i-MSCP web application installer software depot = i-MSCP is missing the point of I

    Otherwise works until now all I am further testing

  • this font has only capital letters - but in different sizes depending on the state of the real letter. So you'll never see an i with a dot...


  • Yes i can confirm. Good news is that problem is not on engine side. Bad news is that problem is on packages (and all packages are faulty). I`ll fix those packages today. After i`ll fix them you have to remove them and reinstall. When done i`ll post here.

  • Ok packages uploaded. Keep in mind that this are just test packages and should not be used on real server. All are outdated. Known issue:
    Joomla and WoltLab Burning Board Lite default passwords for administrator are not set correctly, but this won`t be fixed as new packages must be builded. Pass can be changed via forgot password