​i-MSCP bugs - Reporting rules

  • Dear community,

    Please, when you are reporting a problem with i-MSCP, be sure to provide us all needed information which are in order:

    • Distribution in use (Identifiant and codename)
    • i-MSCP version in use (Version and codename)
    • Server implementation in use (dovecot or courier, Apache ITK, Apache FPM or Apache FCGID...)
    • The logs from /var/log/imscp which are filled only when the debug mode is enabled in your /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file.
    • Any relevant logs which belong to the service that cause a problem

    WIthout those information we cannot really help you to solve your problem. We are loosing a lot of time to ask you to provide us the needed information. Therefore, from the next week, if you are reporting a bug without providing us the needed information, your thread will be simply deleted.

    You are now warned ;)

    @BeNe @Athar @kurgans @Ninos @Cool @DragonZX @xister @denully

    You're encouraged to delete any thread which doesn't fit with the rules established above.

    i-MSCP Team


  • @gOOvER

    Can you fix that? Any registered user must be able to like a post (in all forums to which they have access).

    Thanks ;)


  • Since Today EVERYBODY MUST CONFIRM these Rules.

    Now every Thread will be deleted, which not contain the Informations needed for Support. ;)

    @Mods: Please stop Support for Threads without needed Info's and delete it to Cyclebin

  • Everyone will saw the rules now, but some will simply click on "Aknowledge" button and don't read the last post.

    Maybe a little phrase at the end (or begining) to say that could be added (in the 3 most used languages).

    Just and idea, like that.

  • @Athar

    Sorry but English is the international language which (normally) is learned in every countries. If an user validate the terms of use (by clicking on the button) without read them and later on, doesn't follows the rules, it's his problem ;)

    We are supporting language corners to make our forum more friendly. The official language is English.
