PHP 5.6 stable released

  • Do you know when it will be released for debian wheezy? I haven't found such infos..

  • I was just thinking of installing PhpSwitcher, well, with this new version, I installed it^^

    Compile of PHP5.6.0 is ok:

    1. php-5.6.0# /opt/php-fcgid/5.6/bin/php-cgi -v
    2. PHP 5.6.0 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Sep 6 2014 15:56:05)
    3. Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
    4. Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies

    Added to PhpSwitcher, but not tested yet, no reason that this didn't work.

  • Ok, just a short update, PHP 5.6.0 working fine.

    Use same wiki instruction as PHP5.2 / 5.3 / 5.5 is fine (that the same for those three version in fact... so...)

    As this was my first time using PHPSwitcher, I take some screen of every PHPInfo of each major version (5.2 / 5.3 / 5.5 and 5.6 (5.4 is base install on Wheezy, default PHP option)).

    PHP 5.2.17:

    PHP 5.3.19:

    PHP 5.5.16:

    PHP 5.6.0:

    All are working good so far.

  • For the record:

    The next PhpSwitcher version will come with FPM support. Furthermore, in near future, the admin will be able to choose the PHP version(s) (either FCGI or FPM) he want make available, directly through the fronTend, and the plugin will be able to automatically fetch, compile and install the PHP sources itself. The admin will of course have the possibility to add PHP extensions through a selector.

    The plugin will also be able to track the new versions automatically and notify the admin through the frontEnd. Then the admin will be able to trigger update of PHP version through the frontEnd. This last feature will be possible by using an uscan like script which scan the remote upstream source directory as this is already done by the Debian packages.


  • Dotdeb will release 5.6 Packagws soon


    @dotdeb: Packages of PHP 5.6 are ready, but I’m still working on a new cleaner way to package PECL/3rd party extensions. Thanks for your patience