Hookfile for changing specific php-fpm settings?

  • Hi,

    I have a small vServer package (little ram/cpu) and so I try to fine tune some php-fpm settings so the server runs fast.

    These php-fpm pool settings for the domains are lost whenever I change/edit a domain in i-mscp, correct? So I've read we have to use hook files for own changes to take affect after updates etc...

    Can someone provide an example how such a hook file should look for example when I want to change some php-fpm settings?

    (I also changed some things in mysql my.cnf and apache config, are these two configs also overwritten by i-mscp and I need hook files for these too?)


  • yes... I saw these but I haven't found an example, where some config file parameters are overwritten (so I can take that as a starting point) :/

  • @Heart1010

    I would recommend to wait the template editor plugin. I'm working on it right now.


    • tple.png

      (241.6 kB, downloaded 106 times, last: )


  • @Athar

    To answer you, I just show you the plugin configuration file:
