Apache Configuration

  • Hello everyone,
    I have a problem with my server. This morning I did an update of i-MSCP to the 1.1.13 release. The night my apache server was not working and they put me log certificate errors, I then tweak around the apache files until I end up with an apache which apparently does not recognize the structure of i-MSCP, here's a site on the server http://fnj.ci/. I also get a large batch of mail with the title "i-MSCP Exception Mail Writer - Exception raised." I am not familiar with apache. Help me I'm really stuck.

  • I finally succeeded to run apache but it does not recognize the domains registered in i-MSCP then I have to delete and recreate again referring site files before running this one. Do you have another method?

  • Re-run the setup will rebuild all customers and conf files, but if something is wrong in your setup (wrong certs), it's possible that it will get the error again, also for the next updates.

  • I have this message when i re-run


    • error.png

      (37.37 kB, downloaded 102 times, last: )
  • Now I can not enter in the admin interface

  • What option did you use to re-run the installer ?

    This error shouldn't happen.

    Edit: And, at the first place, from which version did you do the update from ?
    Because, after all, the primary issue was the first update where the update itself didn't worked as expected.

  • @Athar

    As I see, he updated to stable branch (Which contains the code for the next serie 1.2.x that is still under developement) and not to the 1.1.13 ;) I can see this because in the 1.1.13 version, the namespace for the addons (Pma, roundcube and so on) starts by "Addons::" while here, in the error message, I see "Package::".


  • Hummm.... good to know that.
    Will know for further issue that look like the same...

    So, atsechrist, we can try to fix the stable branch install on your server, or you revert back to 1.1.13 when this is still possible... (in a preatty close future, you will not be able to revert it back so easily)

  • what to do now that you see where does the problem? I remind you that I am beginner.