
  • InstantSSH plugin version 2.0.1 has just been released.

    Version compatible with i-MSCP >= 1.1.14 (Plugin API 0.2.11)


    • Fixed: Unable to add/remove SSH permissions when the targeted user is already used by UNIX process

    Usage note

    The development of this plugin took me a lot of time, especially the JailBuilder layer which allows to build the jailed shell environments. Thus, I would ask a small contribution for use of this plugin by doing a donation on my paypal account ( ). If you don't understand such asks, or if you do not want donate, just don't use this plugin.

    Thank you for using this plugin.


  • InstantSSH plugin version 2.0.2 has just been released.

    Version compatible with i-MSCP >= 1.1.14 (Plugin API 0.2.11)


    • Fixed: Deprecation warning: The popen2 module is deprecated ( makejail )
    • Fixed: The <jail>/etc/profile file is no longer sourced after i-MSCP reconfiguration ( umask 027 )
    • Fixed: Unable to delete customer accounts which doesn't have SSH permissions ( onDeleteDomain event listener )
    • Fixed: Wrong mode set on <jail>/etc/* files ( copy_file_to option )

    Usage note

    The development of this plugin took me a lot of time, especially the JailBuilder layer which allows to build the jailed shell environments. Thus, I would ask a small contribution for use of this plugin by doing a donation on my paypal account ( ). If you don't understand such asks, or if you do not want donate, just don't use this plugin.

    Thank you for using this plugin ;)


  • InstantSSH plugin version 2.0.3 has just been released.

    Version compatible with i-MSCP >= 1.1.14 (Plugin API 0.2.11)


    • Added: /bin/false path to the busyboxshell application section
    • Changed: Do not process jails update on i-MSCP update/reconfiguration
    • Changed: Usage of the nobody user as fake user in place of root user ( InstantSSH::JailBuilder )
    • Fixed: Unable to connect through SSH after i-MSCP reconfiguration when the plugin has been deactivated
    • Review: Permissions for user homedirs within jails ( mountpoint )

    Usage note

    The development of this plugin took me a lot of time, especially the JailBuilder layer which allows to build the jailed shell environments. Thus, I would ask a small contribution for use of this plugin by doing a donation on my paypal account ( ). If you don't understand such asks, or if you do not want donate, just don't use this plugin.


  • Dear community ;

    The next InstantSSH plugin version (2.1.0), which will be only compatible with i-MSCP version >= 1.1.15, will provide support for translations. At this moment, only the English and French translation files are available. If you want see the plugin translated in your own language, you can translate it by following the procedure as described here:…r/InstantSSH#translations

    However, because the new version has not been well tested yet, I would recommend to just download the following file:…InstantSSH/l10n/en_GB.php, rename it (eg. de.DE.php) and translate it. Once you have finished to translate, you can attach the resulting file here and then, I'll push it on github.

    Thanks you ;)


  • @Cool

    Thank my friend ;)


  • @Cool

    It's sv_SV or sv_SE ? In i-MSCP, only the sv_SE is available... I rename it to sv_SE to ensure compatibility ;)


    • sv_SE.png

      (257.87 kB, downloaded 52 times, last: )


  • Attached the partial translated german language file. Had pushed it, but I don't know how you handle incomplete translated files.. :)



      (2.51 kB, downloaded 27 times, last: )
  • @Ninos

    This is same as i-MSCP core, if a string is not translated, default is used ;)


  • Jip I know but may you want complete translation files, before you include them :))