
  • That is not necessary if you do it in the right way. And by the way, after an update your changes will be lost.

    I understand that an update would ruin manual changes, but this was more to try and see if it would work at all - which it didn't for me.

    So which would be the right way to do it, since I can't figure out at which point things are broken - or does it not work at all right now? Sorry, confused sheep here :(

  • Nothing is broken, you are not able to understand it.
    Are you guys nowadays all not able to read and use your brain?

    • Make your changes in the config.php of the plugin.
    • Go to i-MSCP panel -> Settings -> Plugin management and then press the button Update Plugins on the right side.


  • Are you guys nowadays all not able to read and use your brain?

    Unfortunately not ;)


  • Wow, this is amazing, and exactly what I did already.
    Good to see you love to insult people, mind if I return the favor every now and then?

    It even said 1 plugin updated, but managesieve was _not_ in the list of plugins in above mentioned roundcube config.

  • Every day you get the same questions on how to do this or that. And most time people do not read the docs/manual or do not search in the forum before asking a question.
    Eventually you're tired of always answering the same questions.

    If you want I coud connect to your server and check it. Just send me your Teamviever ID and password as PM.

  • @SheepControl

    BTW: I'm still searching for the insults ;)

    Are you guys nowadays all not able to read and use your brain?

    Not an insult for me. This is simply a way to say: Do a search on that funking forum and read that funking manual ;) As insult, we can find better ;)


  • @SheepControl

    Do you're using Dovecot at least as PO server implementation for i-MSCP?


  • @mrpink

    Well, in another thread, I've see an user with identical problem. Dovecot was not here and no error was raised. Could you check that the error is correctly raised when dovecot is not used? If not raised, this could be a bug in core ;)
