Migration from ispCP to i-MSCP - Failure

  • during the last step of the migration (imscp perl-setup-d) I get this error how can I fix it?


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • during the last step of the migration (imscp perl-setup-d) I get this error how can I fix it?

    Hello ;

    I'll give you some steps to follow in some minutes.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Please open a ticket

    Hello bro;

    It's not a bug. It's an inconsistency with users... I know how to solve this problem easily but I must first find the steps to follow which are in a file in my computer. My computer, it's a mess lol. If you see my desktop, you become crazy in few minutes :rolleyes:


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello bro;

    It's not a bug. It's an inconsistency with users... I know how to solve this problem easily. but I must first find in my computer the steps to follow. My computer, it's a mess lol. If you see my desktop, you become crazy in few minutes :rolleyes:

    Ok... Maybe you write a tutorial to find your own documentation.. ;)

    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello ;

    The steps to follow (carefully) are:

    1. Shutdown the Httpd service

    1. # service apache2 stop

    2. Edit your /etc/passwd file and remove any vuXXXX user
    3. Edit your /etc/group file and remove any vuXXXX group
    4. Edit your /etc/shadow file and remove any vuXXXX user
    5. Execute the following SQL queries:

    1. # mysql -u root -p<password>> use ispcp;> update domain set domain_status = 'ok';> update subdomain set subdomain_status = 'ok';> update domain_aliasses set alias_status = 'ok';> update subdomain_alias set subdomain_alias_status = 'ok';> update mail_users set status = 'ok';> update admin set admin_status = 'ok', admin_sys_name = null, admin_sys_uid = 0, admin_sys_gname = null, admin_sys_gid = 0;

    6. Run the i-MSCP setup script:

    1. # perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup -d

    @TheCry Done :P

    I'll review the migration script (in the first release maintenance) to avoid such problem.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().