Dovecot Managesieve

  • Hi,

    why don't you add the sieve packages to the installation ?
    Is there any reason ?

    • dovecot-managesieved
    • dovecot-sieve

    With that addon's to dovecot and the plugin in Roundcube every customer is able to add his own serverside rules.


    1. <dovecot> <package>dovecot-core</package> <package>dovecot-imapd</package> <package>dovecot-pop3d</package> <package>dovecot-mysql</package> <package>dovecot-managesieved</package> <package>dovecot-sieve</package></dovecot>

    Roundcube Config /

    1. $rcmail_config['plugins'] = array('imscp_pw_changer', 'managesieve');



    Edited once, last by BeNe ().

  • Hi TheCry,

    why SpamAssassin Plugin ?
    I mean the managesieve plugin - not the SpamAssassin Plugin :huh:

  • Re ;


    To be clear, we do not want overload default configuration files which come with i-MSCP. We prefer provide plugins. For instance, policyd and postgrey will be removed from Git Master ASAP. They will be provided as plugin instead. It's a choice which fit better to each admin needs.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Managesieve is to create serverside mail filterrules.
    In first step it has nothing todo with spamassasin.

    Move a mail from User "A@domain.tld" or with a special subject/size/whatever
    to a folder, automatically answer or forward to an other eMail address.


    This is absolute okay with the plugins.
    So there is already a idea for a new one -> Managsieve (to provide serverside mail filterung rules)

    Edited once, last by BeNe ().

  • Install the RoudcubePlugins Plugin, follow the README and config file and you have your managesieve. It is included in this plugin.

    Edited once, last by mrpink ().

  • I have this running since some years. Incl. Spamassasin and userprefs. Thats not the Problem. Was just the idea to get this per default running in i-MSCP for all other users.

    Gesendet von meinem One X+ mit Tapatalk

  • I have this running since some years. Incl. Spamassasin and userprefs. Thats not the Problem. Was just the idea to get this per default running in i-MSCP for all other users.

    Gesendet von meinem One X+ mit Tapatalk

    But your changes are gone after each update. With the plugins you don't have to take care about this. ;)

  • Allright - the Roundcube-plugins are exactly what i missed before.
    Works just fine after installation. Well done, well done! :)