
  • Hi guys, just one questions, is it possible to integrate spamassassin ?

    Thanks, good work :P


  • yes is possible and will be implemented at some point :). When will be time :)

  • Thanks, we will be waiting for this because it will be a common benefit, and I hope that the same situations or conflicts ocurred in VHCS or Ispcp won´t happen among your current group.

    Keep up the good work guys:P :P


  • Don't be afraid. As long I close my mouth, all goes fine. :D


  • SpamAssassin on my setup was pretty simple. I have it running via Amavisd. The main issue thus is how and where to save the settings for ham whitelist/spam blacklist.

    Amavis can only handle a global SA list as it calls it identically for all users. I've implemented it that way now. Learning is done through internal emails for ham and spam which are written to maildir folders using sieve. Cron then feeds sa-learn.

    Works but amavis and clamd eat 200 MB RAM... not that optimal.

    The alternative would be using SpamAssassin alone with a MySQL db. Then users would tag their spam/ham in Roundcube webmail plugin. I think that's not that comfortable but well, time will bring an answer.

    I personally think clamsmtp and dspam could be a decent alternative.

    How is the plan for i-mscp?

  • i have maia mailguard with imscp and it work fine

    Debian 6 with proxmox 2 - OpenVZ - KVM
    I-mscp migrate from ispcp 1.0.7
    dovecot + zarafa + z-push + maia mail guard + apacheITK