
  • Someone is running iMSCP with Spamassasin ?

    Used also Maia before but it is getting to old and hard to maintain in my eye because of the own amavisd daemon.
    May there is a plugin for roundcube. So we do not change that much in the CP gui itself.

  • I think the real question nobody is really answering is "what exactly do you expect from an antispam system"?

    Personally, I expect the following features:

    1. Post-queue spam detection, to avoid overloads on huge spikes of incoming email.
    2. Virus checking.
    3. Rule-based spaminness determination, so it works even without any trained bayesian database.
    4. Global (across-all-domains) bayesian classification.
    5. Automated delivery of "Spam" tagged emails to a special "Spam" folder.
    6. Ability to train both spam and ham emails, but only by certain users. "Random" users do not really distinguish between unsolicited bulk email and proper marketing e-mail that allow you to unsubscribe.
    7. Per-user threshold score, white- and black-listing of sender email addresses

    What are your expectations? Do they line up with mine or you have different requirements? Are they realistic? After answering those questions, we may be able to come up with a solution that fits most of us...

  • Well, you write more down here than i had expect. But you are absolute correct with your points.

    I wil take a look around in the web about it.

    Thanks & Greez

  • i have always setup ispcp and imscp with dovecot/amavis/spamassassin as i find it to be the tightest filter without having false-positives. postgrey i often disable or relax.

    i think to really integrate it with imscp would either be easy or take a decent amount of work.

    easy - integrate it with the postfix/dovecot mail system. i always do this. very few false positives.

    harder - integrate it will the mail system, but give the option (per domain) to enable/disable spam filtering and provide an option to delete the spam or redirect to a spam mailbox they have with their domain.

  • I started today with the integration of SpamAssassin (User Prefs.) with this Roundcube Plugin -->

    There are some configs to change but it works just nice.
    The customers can now use the webmailer to catch the spam and change the settings per User. There is also a Global Config. I activated managesieve to move the marked spam to the spam folder or delete it directly :)

    There is still many to do and some configs to optimize but it works so far.

    Greez BeNe