Scheduled change in coming version (1.1.0-rc4)

  • Hello ;

    In the coming release 1.1.0-rc4, it will be no longer possible to set the mount point for the subdomains and domain aliases. Instead, a new option will be provided, which will allow to share the mount point of an existent domain (or subdomain...).

    Some screens to reflect this change:

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

    c0urier, flames, Lazarevics and 6 others like this.
  • Hello ;

    Changes were integrated in Git Master:…274a4d13630135c2897013cb8

    Please test and report me any problem.

    Note: I'll now do the same thing for domain aliases. I really think that the new interface is really more intuitive.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

    flames, FlyingMike and mrpink like this.
  • hi, this is very nice and works on a fresh test machine. one question about update/migration path. i have a lot of aliases that are set to "/" mountpoint, so they are pointing into same htdocs like main domain. will this be converted at update to enabled shared mountpoint + selected maindomain?

  • hi, this is very nice and works on a fresh test machine. one question about update/migration path. i have a lot of aliases that are set to "/" mountpoint, so they are pointing into same htdocs like main domain. will this be converted at update to enabled shared mountpoint + selected maindomain?

    Hello ;

    The changes were made only at the end user interface level. The storage of data still identical.

    Some explanations

    By default, when you are creating a new subdomain, its mount point is set either to /subLabel (where subLabel is the subdomain label) if it's a subdomain that belongs to the main domain) or to /alias.tld/subLabel if it's a subdomain that belongs to a domain alias. So here, a restriction has been added on the mount point name only ; It's no longer possible to set an arbitrary name for subdomain mount points.

    Now, if you use the shared mount point option, the rules are as follow:

    If you create a subdomain sub1 and select the domain domain.tld (which is the main domain) for the shared mount point option, the mount point for sub1 will be set automatically to the mount point of the domain domain.tld, which is always /.

    If you create a subdomain sub2 and select the domain alias alias.tld for the shared mount point option, the mount point for sub2 will be set automatically to the mount point of the domain alias alias.tld. Here, the mount point value is taken from the database.

    If you create a subdomain sub3 and select the subdomain sub1.domain.tld for the shared mount point option, the mount point for sub3 will be set automatically to the mount point of the subdomain sub1.domain.tld. Here, the mount point value is taken from the database.

    To resume, no change has been made at engine level, neither at the storage level. These changes *should* not cause any trouble with existent data.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

    flames and mrpink like this.
  • Hi Laurent,

    thank you, this is great and much easier to understand for the customers.

    I hope you will not forget to integrate this also for domain aliases? ;)

  • Hi Laurent,

    thank you, this is great and much easier to understand for the customers.

    I hope you will not forget to integrate this also for domain aliases? ;)

    Sure; I'll do the same thing for domain aliases. ;)


    momo and mrpink like this.

  • Sure; I'll do the same thing for domain aliases. ;)

    I just tested the new domain aliases function.
    Great work Nuxwin, thank you.

    Nuxwin likes this.