Migration from ispcp 1.0.7 failed: Access denied for db user

  • I am trying to migrate from ispcp 1.0.7. For some of my database users (approx. 10 / 30) it shows me the following error during the upgrade and won't continue:

    ispCP database records are corrupted!
    Please fix folowing:

    User xxx access denied: Access denied for user 'xxx'@'localhost' (using password: YES){
    ... sql info ...

    As previously described, I have that for about 10 users.

    What is going on and how can I fix it?


  • Thank you!
    Unfortunately this did not work either. The ispcp database user's password is not the problem. The error only cares about 10 out of 30 user databases & their database users.

  • Does anybody have a solution for this yet?

  • In the end sometimes it's maybe not easier but faster to do it manually :-) I ported round about 230 domains with 1100 mailaccounts manually from ispcp 1.0.1 to imscp. Was a lot of work (!) but after then everything was fine. But as afaik 1.0.1 was not supported by the script. So in fact I didn't have another option.

  • @icefresh,
    in the database, in ispcp.sql_user table are encrypted passwords for sql users. i aussume when you check them, you will find, that some of them are not encrypted, which is the issue of migration. they all must be encrypted.
    to change them, find out which encryption is used and encrypt those passwords. (i dont have ispcp anymore, so cant see what encryption was used). you can also go into ispcp/customer/databases and change the passwords, that will fix them too. after you fixed every unencrypted password, start migration once again.

    Edited once, last by flames ().

  • Sorry for continuing an old post, but I have exact the same Problem. The update-script stops because it is not able to connect to database. It uses the first user in the ispcp-table which is an "normal" website-user.

    I have read a lot and now I have a simple question:
    Is there an SQL-script to migrate the Datebase? Or is it possible to copy the contents of the tables?

    What will happen if I install a fresh Version of i-mscp and put all Data from the old ispcp into the right tables? What problems may I get?

    Thank you and marry christmas