Is i-MSCP for a productive system ready ?

  • Hey Guys,

    i need to install a new Server for a Company. There is no question which panel i wanna use. But - is i-MSCP in the Beta 4 phase ready for a productive system ?

    Thanks & Greez

  • I use something in between from beta3 to beta4 on a company mail+ftp server....

    The only thing I hope: I can smoothly switch to dovecot as soon as it is fully integrated....


  • Thanks for all your post!

    I have no problem on my own Server with a beta status.
    But it is for a very picky customer... :-/ So that´s why i ask.

    Fine, so i will go an.

    Thanks @ all!

  • Bene, last trunk is most stable version. Is not yet released as beta 5 just because I did not integrate yet migration script from ispcp so is a bit tricky to perform a migration.

  • You are all crazy to use i-mscp beta version on productive system...


  • You are all crazy to use i-mscp beta version on productive system...

    I know some so called stable software that you must be crazy to use on production too :p