Hi all!
Does anyone else deal with I-MSCP, developments for Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04?
We need I-MSCP. pls
Message for founding administrator
Thank you!
Hi all!
Does anyone else deal with I-MSCP, developments for Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04?
We need I-MSCP. pls
Message for founding administrator
Thank you!
Don't you think that if there was someone, there would have been a fork years ago?
Find another panel like Keyhelp that is being developed. The development of I-mscp is dead.
Too bad, i-mscp was the most stable panel, I hope the developer doesn't abandon i-mscp. a possible announcement would be helpful to all who have used i-mscp. Thank you
I hope the developer doesn't abandon i-mscp
He said he's not, but nothing is happening since 2018. It's like 5 years now, which feels a bit unsafe.
Anyway it is impossible to install this panel now on any Ubuntu OS.
Dont wait, its too late.
No Freeware Plugins.
After payed plugins letsencrypt, dkim, multi php versions never got working updates.
Was always very buggy.
Change to keyhelp.
Best decision ever.
You seems really mad... if you are not happy reitbrud , just leave with your rage.
I've all the plugins you cited here, all still work flawlessly on my setup... (including latest versions of PHP).
You switch over to another system ? nice for you, so why you keep posting there ?
I have also all plugins paid and they work. But i can not say that for php ! My customers need version 8.2 and i cant install it. You said latest PHP do you mean really latest 8.2 and how you did it ?
Like someone else said on your specific topic, yes, 8.2.12 installed and working.
But yeah, Debian 10 need to be in use.
Edit : Please, do not post your query on all the topics you can find... one is way enough Thanks.
Display MoreLike someone else said on your specific topic, yes, 8.2.12 installed and working.
But yeah, Debian 10 need to be in use.
Edit : Please, do not post your query on all the topics you can find... one is way enough
Thank you very much for the help. I asked in many topics because I thought the project is in deep coma. Seems it is not so deep I am scared to install debian 10 again because i did that before 2 years and used the maintenance release. Then half of the things did not work as expected so i went back to debian 9. I even reported the bugs ... So you used debian 10 and which imscp version ? 1.5.3 stable or maintenance release ?
This should help you if you want to test the upgrade : HowTo: I-MSCP 1.5.3 installation on Debian 10
As usual : Working backups are mandatory prior any majors system modifications.