OpenDKIM works on 1.5.3?

  • Hello, I trying install opendkim without success over 1.5.3.

    I use Debian Buster 10 is Up2date
    iMSCP 1.5.3 Latest Release
    PHP version 7.4

    I have this error:

    Tank U!

    Edited once, last by oddiex ().

  • Let me call Jesus and God...

    Follow the rules ==> Reporting rules - Reminder

    (I could have deleted this post by now... so edit your initial post in accordance to the reporting rules)

    (and use the "code" tag when you past logs or anything "long")

  • Ok, answer will be fast :

    If using the build 2018120800 ==> Not compatible with Debian 10

    If using the latest build "under developement" ==> Compatible with Debian 10 but unstable and can't recommand for production use. Also, there is some known issue with the plugin system.