Hi there. My wife and I run a small vserver for our family, containing two separate IP numbers (one strictly for email) along with our 6 or 7 family owned domains. We used VHCS for quite awhile and switched to i-MSCP when VHCS became defunct. During the past 8+ years our server setups with Debian were always taken care of by our sysadmin who's also a friend of ours. We always paid for the 2 - 3 hours of work when she was done, but ever since last October she's suddenly missing in action. She travels globally for work so it's possible that she's just in another country, which wouldn't explain the total lack of communication though. We have no idea what's going on, haven't been able to locate or get in touch with her since last October (2019).
Anyway, since about that time our i-MSCP has been having some odd and always similar issues that I can't correct since I'm not a sysadmin. Every time a change is made under a user or even the admin account ... Email added, FTP account deleted, Domain updated, Language changed, etc., the "Changes Pending" (or similar message) appears (always the same) ... and never goes away. Everything continues to work just fine on our end, FTP to the domains, Emails, Browser page accesses, etc. are all working. But when I log back into the panel a day or week or even a month later ... that twirling little symbol with the pending message is still there. I even tried switching browsers on our Linux (MX Linux & Linux Mint) setups, but nothing changed. That "changes pending" simply won't go away.
We're looking for someone who's very familiar with i-MSCP, to troubleshoot and perhaps upgrade our i-MSCP setup. Auto Update has been enabled but always displays that no updates are available. I have absolutely no idea what's causing changes not to take effect and/or to have those never ending "pending" messages, but this is (hopefully) a minor problem that we'd really like to get resolved before we have our hardware upgraded on the same server later this year. The server techs already guaranteed us a 100% error free automated migration process with our current IP numbers with the existing Debian at the end of the year. We just want to make sure that our i-MSCP is running flawless and error free before the migration takes place.
It would be awesome if someone experienced here has the ability and desire to assist.
Greetings from Germany (Ich kann auch in Deutscher Sprache schreiben).
I changed the language to English a week go ...
Changes in the image were made a month ago ...