Thank you for the response.
Well, I may not be a sysadmin, but I've been working long enough with various web-panels that I'm 99.9% certain the issues are not serious. But of course having said that, I was also paranoid about generating a server restart because if that .1% kicked into place, then I'd be in deep sht without some immediate outside help. That put me between a rock and a hard place during the past 6 months, while I was trying to locate our sysadmin and while I was trying to figure out the best manner in which to proceed. In 20 years this was indeed a first time, unique situation for me.
Anyway, our current Debian and i-MSCP were all up to date as of October 2019. I was able to find someone who was able to troubleshoot the server and with whom I'll be working from now on since it has become evident that our previous sysadmin can no longer be relied upon.
I'm curious, I've heard that i-MSCP may stop being an opensource freeware application?
Do you know if there's any truth to that? Would be good to know in advance ....
Greetings from Germany.