Spamassassin funktioniert nicht

  • Was ergibt?

    1. netstat -tlpen | grep spam

    Bei mir kommt da:

    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 98416866 13768/spamd child

    Gruss J

    Seltsam, bei mir kommt nichts.

    Ich reinstalliere mal das plugin.

  • auch nach spamassassin reinstallation funktioniert es nicht.

    Ich finde es seltsam dass mit netstat -tlpen | grep spam nichts kommt. Wo könnte ich da ansetzen?

  • auch nach spamassassin reinstallation funktioniert es nicht.

    Ich finde es seltsam dass mit netstat -tlpen | grep spam nichts kommt. Wo könnte ich da ansetzen?

    Maybe because SpamAssassin listen on UDS (Unix Domain Socket) which is not TCP 8o

    1. Please result of the postconf smtpd_milters command
    2. Please content of your /etc/default/spamass-milter file
    3. Please content of your /etc/default/spamassassin file
    4. Content of your /etc/postfix/ file
    5. Content of your /etc/postfix/ file

    and again, status of both spamassassin and spamass-milter services.



  • Aber es läuft ein Prozess von spamassassin?

    1. # ps ax | grep spam
    2. ... /usr/sbin/spamass-milter -P /var/run/spamass/ -f -p /var/spool/postfix/spamass/spamass.sock -e -f -I -u spamass-milter
    3. ... /usr/bin/perl -T -w /usr/sbin/spamd --max-children=5 --sql-config --nouser-config --username=debian-spamd --port=783 --helper-home-dir=/var/lib/spamassassin -d --pidfile=/var/run/
    4. ... spamd child
    5. ... spamd child

    Gruss J

  • Maybe because SpamAssassin listen on UDS (Unix Domain Socket) which is not TCP 8o

    1. Please result of the postconf smtpd_milters command
    2. Please content of your /etc/default/spamass-milter file
    3. Please content of your /etc/default/spamassassin file
    4. Content of your /etc/postfix/ file
    5. Content of your /etc/postfix/ file

    and again, status of both spamassassin and spamass-milter services.


    Hi Nuxwin, i was in holidays for 1 week.

    1. smtpd_milters = unix:/spamass/spamass.sock, unix:/clamav/clamav-milter.ctl





    Status Spamassassin

    Status Spamass-milter


    Prozesse Spam

    1. 896 ? Ssl 1:07 /usr/sbin/spamass-milter -P /var/run/spamass/ -f -p /var/spool/postfix/spamass/spamass.sock -e -f -u spamass-milter -r -1
    2. 11333 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep spam
    3. 20011 ? Ss 0:11 /usr/bin/perl -T -w /usr/sbin/spamd -d --pidfile=/var/run/ --max-children=5 --sql-config --nouser-config --username=debian-spamd --groupname=debian-spamd --helper-home-dir=/var/lib/spamassassin --socketpath=/var/run/spamassassin.sock --socketowner=debian-spamd --socketgroup=debian-spamd --socketmode=0666
    4. 20045 ? S 0:00 spamd child
    5. 20046 ? S 0:00 spamd child

    Danke für Eure Unterstützung

  • Amo1276

    Sorry for the delay. I was not at office for the last few days...

    The problem come from your /etc/default/spamass-milter configuration file which should look as follows:

    Once you've fixed the configuration file, don't forget to restart the spamass-milter service.


  • theemstra

    Set the Label from awaiting Information to solved
  • Hey Nuxin

    thank you very much, that did it!

    You're welcome ;)

    Thread closed.


  • Nuxwin

    Closed the thread.