Error in i-MSCP 1.5.3 - maintenance release (testing) on Ubuntu 18.04

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    SHA384 is not supported by your openssl extension, could not verify the phar file integrity

    This problem is already fixed. Please retry with latest


  • Nuxwin ,

    yeah now everything it`s ok but now i get another error

    1. [ERROR] main::setupDbTasks: Modules::ServerIP::add: Can't call method "getAddrVersion" on an undefined value at /usr/local/src/imscp-1.5.x/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Provider/Networking/Persistence/ line 134.
    2. ...propagated at /usr/local/src/imscp-1.5.x/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 496.
    3. [ERROR] autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occurred while performing installation steps

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

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  • Laurent,

    Thank you so much for this fix! I was upgrading from 1.3.16 to 1.5.3 and my heart dropped when I got the “SHA384 is not supported by your openssl extension…” error. I found this thread searching for an explanation, and “VIOLA!” (as we say here—I am a composer and conductor.)

    I am happy to report that with this fix, I was able to upgrade directly from 1.3.16 to 1.5.x with ease. Hooray!



    “There are 10 kinds of people. Those who understand base-2 and those who do not.”

  • Laurent,

    Thank you so much for this fix! I was upgrading from 1.3.16 to 1.5.3 and my heart dropped when I got the “SHA384 is not supported by your openssl extension…” error. I found this thread searching for an explanation, and “VIOLA!” (as we say here—I am a composer and conductor.)

    I am happy to report that with this fix, I was able to upgrade directly from 1.3.16 to 1.5.x with ease. Hooray!

    You're welcome ;)
