what is the preferred / recommended way, to use web apps on some domains, that require special apache configurations like reverse proxy settings, perl scripts, etc.? e.g. gitlab, otrs, etc. - How do you solve these situations?
Currently I created an additional .conf file in sites-available / sites-enabled under an additional subdomain (like service-internal.host) and then create a proper domain / subdomain (like service.host) via imscp with the proxy setting - forwarding to the additional subdomain.
This way the customer sees the proper service.host domain and I can administrate stuff like letsencrypt, mails etc. for this domain via imscp.
But this approach has two problems
a) I always need an additional subdomain for every of these cases
b) I'm not too sure if the autoinstaller would remove the additional .conf file when doing an update etc. Could you say something about that?