IMSCP 1.5.1
Debian 9
I have a question about Mailquota ...
if I give a customer 600 MB Storage (300 MB webspace + 300 MB Emailquota) then the customer can no longer receive emails if the email space (300MB) is over quota?
IMSCP 1.5.1
Debian 9
I have a question about Mailquota ...
if I give a customer 600 MB Storage (300 MB webspace + 300 MB Emailquota) then the customer can no longer receive emails if the email space (300MB) is over quota?
Did you change the values in the email account?
Only to change the quota does not help.
I probably have a misunderstanding here ...
if I give a user 300 MB diskspace and 300 MB emailspace ... should be a total of 600 MB storage,
or do I have to set both to 600 MB to get a total of 600 MB of storage?
How would you create an account with 600 MB of storage?
So.. He has 300MB discspace as i know. But if you expand an existing discspace and give more email quota you have to edit the email accoutns and set a new quota to every email account
sorry, my mistake!
I did not notice that on this system an outdated hosting plans template was not updated.
I will take my calming pill now and everything is fine again