
  • IMSCP 1.5.1
    Debian 9

    I have a question about Mailquota ...
    if I give a customer 600 MB Storage (300 MB webspace + 300 MB Emailquota) then the customer can no longer receive emails if the email space (300MB) is over quota?

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • I probably have a misunderstanding here ...
    if I give a user 300 MB diskspace and 300 MB emailspace ... should be a total of 600 MB storage,
    or do I have to set both to 600 MB to get a total of 600 MB of storage?

    How would you create an account with 600 MB of storage?

  • So.. He has 300MB discspace as i know. But if you expand an existing discspace and give more email quota you have to edit the email accoutns and set a new quota to every email account

    Edited once, last by TheCry ().