First need to thanks to Nuxwin for instructions given here:…all%2Broundcube#post57287
- Drop the imscp_roundcube database: drop database imscp_roundcube
- Delete the RoundcubePlugins plugin data from the i-MSCP plugin database: use imscp; delete from plugin where plugin_name = 'RoundcubePlugins';
- Remove the RoundcubePlugins plugin file: rm -r /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/RoundcubePlugins
- Trigger an i-MSCP reconfiguration (that will re-install Roundcube): perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -dnv
- Install the RoundcubePlugins plugin (last version from our plugin store)
I crashed my roundcube installation but with the above steps everything comes back in place.
Still, Roundcobe plugin is in plugin store for i-mscp ≥ 1.6.x Serie.
Is there a way to get roundcube plugin for i-mscp = 1.5.1 ?
Thank you