Abwesenheitsmeldung bei Webformular Nutzung


    Step one

    Activate Vacation autorespond in Roundcube for any address you like.

    Step two

    1. Send Email with Thunderbird to this email see above.
    2. Send Email by Web Form to same Address

    1. You get a autorespod answer with information about vacation
    2. You dont get a autorepond answer when sendig form-email by website

    See all messages above

    I-MSCP 1.5.3 - Debian 9 Stretch

  • @web4you
    It could be that this scenarea applies:
    The auto responder should respond to the senders mail address. If you are using webforms the mails are sent from your webpage and not from the mail address which is filled in from the user in the webform. So the response is sent to the sender which is some mail address you configured inside wordpress (like noreply@domain.tld). And if it is a non existing mail address the auto respond is going nowhere.


    Achso kanns dir auch auf deutsch schreiben:
    Der AutoResponder schickt immer die Antwort an den Absender. Wenn diese mail per webform geschickt wird sendet diese deine webpage und wird nicht von der eingetragenen mail adresse verschickt. Da der auto responder immer an den Absendert schickt ist es die E-mail adresse welche du in Wordpress konfiguriert hast welche die Antwort erhält (wie z.B. noreply@domain.tld). Und wenn diese nicht existiert dann geht diese mail eh ins lehre.

    Edited once, last by UncleSam: german translation :-) ().

  • It could be that this scenarea applies:
    The auto responder should respond to the senders mail address. If you are using webforms the mails are sent from your webpage and not from the mail address which is filled in from the user in the webform. So the response is sent to the sender which is some mail address you configured inside wordpress (like noreply@domain.tld). And if it is a non existing mail address the auto respond is going nowhere.

    Or the default webmaster@domain.tld sender set for sendmail in customer php.ini file (or fpm pool configuration file)... Well, he should provide us a full mail sent from his WP, including headers. With the header we could better know about the situation.

    For instance, with fpm, we have such statement: php_admin_value[sendmail_path] = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f webmaster@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}

    sendmail documentation

    -f sender Set the envelope sender address. This is the address where delivery problems are sent to. With Postfix versions before 2.1, the Errors-To: message header overrides the error return address.

    PHP mail function

    bool mail ( string $to , string $subject , string $message [, string$additional_headers [, string $additional_parameters ]] )

    4th parameter documentation

    additional_parameters (optional)

    The additional_parameters parameter can be used to pass additional flags as command line options to the program configured to be used when sending mail, as defined by thesendmail_path configuration setting. For example, this can be used to set the envelope sender address when using sendmail with the -f sendmail option.

    @web4you Provide us with a mail that you sent via your Web-form, including all headers (mail source so).


  • Oke here it is:

    I-MSCP 1.5.3 - Debian 9 Stretch

  • @web4you

    So, the sender is mail@monica-luescher.ch and you expect the vacation message to be sent to info@web4you-gmbh.ch ?(


  • Yes of course i do so.

    I dont know what here is the problem to understand.

    As a normal user of a Website it should be possible to get a autorespond (when autorespond is set in roundcube) message like as i get while using another mail client.

    The sender is mail@monica-luescher.ch becouse this is the web-form that use this adress as sender address. If a user filling up the From on the website (monica-luescher.ch) he must insert his own email. And this email (in my case info@web4you-gmbh.ch) should get a autorespond email like he get when he is unsing thunderbird or another email client.

    Sorry my english

    I-MSCP 1.5.3 - Debian 9 Stretch

  • @web4you
    As you know an email has different parts. If you send one you have a field for sender, cc, bcc, subject and the text (so called body). If you then send this mail the mail server includes your mail address into an internal field that the receiver knows who sent it.

    In your case the sender of the webform is always mail@monica-luescher.ch because this is configured for this webpage (see e.g. "Return-Path" or "Sender" in the raw mail you gave us). It does not matter what gets inserted in the webform because the webform script only sends a mail by putting all webform information together and puts it into the mail text. You can see that beginning at line 37 of the raw mail.

    To translate it to an email client, the mail is sent using this:

    • To: mail@monica-luescher.ch
    • Subject: Monica Lüscher "Testmail Betreffend Autoresponder"
    • Body:
    1. Von: Juerg Schwarz <info@web4you-gmbh.ch>
    2. Betreff: Testmail Betreffend Autoresponder
    3. Ihre Meldung:
    4. Dies wäre die Mitteilung eines Kunden: Autoresponder ist off.
    5. --
    6. Diese Email wurde von der Webseite Monica Lüscher (http://monica-luescher.ch) gesendet.

    And now this mail is sent using the mail account mail@monica-luescher.ch. So the auto responder wants to respond to mail@monica-luescher.ch. You can do this as often as you want but it would not work the way you want/need it.