I need to change one domains A and AAAA record. All other records should remain (MX etc). Can I do this with a custom DNS entry ?
Thanks in advance !
I need to change one domains A and AAAA record. All other records should remain (MX etc). Can I do this with a custom DNS entry ?
Thanks in advance !
You could add an AAAA-Record as custom-dns-entry.
But I guess what you're searching for is a listener for named.
but what will happen to the existing AAAA pointing to the server ? I want to overwrite the DNS A and AAAA entries. Using a listener may be an idea, but a customer should be able to do this herself ?
This question is answered so many times already...
in your i-MSCP installation folder (i.e. /usr/local/src/imscp-1.5.1/) you will find a folder "contrib", there is a listener (contrib/Listeners/Named/10_named_override_default_rr.pl), which disables original resource records, when custom records are created, that conflict with the original one. copy it to /etc/imscp/listener.d/and run setup again.
here is the reference on github:
the script breaks setup if OpenDKIM Plugin 2.0 is installed. Hosts get no key and DNS is not working anymore. Also DNS entries can not be deleted.
Fixed for me throug deinstalling OpenDKIM Plugin, reconfigure imscp, deleting dns entry and install opendkim again.