Spamassassin update stacked

  • Hi,

    i am trying to update the Spamassasin-Plugin from Version 1.1.1 to 2.0.1. After uploading the plugin through interface, the progress is stacked. I did some research - it is caused by a MySQL-query (see attached file).

    Maybe the same issue:…Spamassassin-update-error

    OS: Debian Jessie 8.9
    i-MSCP: 1.5.1

  • Please clarify a bit more.


  • After hitting the Upload-Button (for plugin upload) the control panel isnt reachable anymore (loading endless).

    The mysql-query mentioned above takes more than 15min (maybe even more? I quit the execution)

  • I can confirm this. It ends in a lock wait timeout exceeded message, so I am currently unable to update the Plugin.
    This probably happens on big tables, which is probably hard to reproduce in testing environments.

    Table sizes:
    bayes_seen 849,012 rows
    bayes_token 3,035,256 rows
    bayes_vars 1,874 rows

    Edited once, last by illumi241 ().