Spamassassin didn't install

  • Hello,
    I have got a new problem.
    When I want to install the spamassassin plugin, I get the error:
    iMSCP::SystemUser::addSystemUser: root user is prohibited

    Can someone help me, please?
    It's the 1.5.1 imscp on debian9.
    And I transfered the data from the old server with debian8 to the new server with debian9.


  • @rr10111101

    • Please make usage of bbcode.
    • Please provide us with all required information: i-MSCP SpamAssassin plugin version

    iMSCP::SystemUser::addSystemUser: root user is prohibited

    This is a security measure from our library and normally you shouldn't get that error, unless there is really something on your system.

    • Please show us your i-MSCP SpamAssassin plugin configuration file (/var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/SpamAssassin/config.php).
    • Please give us the result of the following commands:
    1. getent passwd debian-spamd
    1. grep ROOT_USER /etc/imscp/imscp.conf


  • spamassassin-plugin 2.0.1 the one, that I could download.

    root@srv1438:/etc/init.d# getent passwd debian-spamd

    root@srv1438:/etc/init.d# grep ROOT_USER /etc/imscp/imscp.conf
    ROOT_USER = root


    • config.txt

      (15.8 kB, downloaded 2 times, last: )

    Edited once, last by rr10111101 ().

  • I deinstalled the plugin. Deleating the directory.

    So I could make the install again and then I got this:

    Plugin-Installation fehlgeschlagen: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '$GLOBAL-use_bayes-0' for key 'user_pref'I would try this.

    1. mysql -u root -p<password>
    2. > use imscp;
    3. > DELETE FROM ???? WHERE user_pref = '$GLOBAL-use_bayes-0';
    4. > \q

    ???? = I don't know