Problems with new email accounts

  • Hi,

    I am working on it.
    Right now did the backup of /var/www/virtual and /var/mail/virtual .
    Is there anything else needed to be kept?

    Otherwise after doing the command "apt-get --assume-yes --auto-remove --no-install-recommends dist-upgrade" apache2 stopped working.

    1. Setting up apache2 (2.4.7-1ubuntu4.18) ...
    2. * Restarting web server apache2 [fail]
    3. * The apache2 configtest failed.
    4. Output of config test was:
    5. AH00543: apache2: bad user name vu2004
    6. Action 'configtest' failed.
    7. The Apache error log may have more information.

    I looked for this error but can't understand why it happens, before it was working.

    Any clue?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi there,

    While doing the upgrade I got an error... And even with that is it normal for the setup to ask me for all usernames and passwords?
    I received this server but I wasn't the previous owner so there is some info I do not know, are all the prompted usernames and passwords the current used? or, are they new ones?

    In that case I went to the final of the setup and got the error I said:


    Could you please tell me know how to upgrade safely the server without fucking up everything?

    Thank you very much !

  • Ohhhh.. bad issue...But i'd the same error on one server, so i think i can help.
    Login on the ssh console...

    Now you have to login to mysql as root

    1. mysql -uroot -p

    After this switch to imscp database

    1. use imscp;

    Now check the tables

    1. show tables;

    The database update 267 (…/UpdateDatabase.php#L1515) will something do with the table "php_ini". But something went wrong.
    With "show tables" you will see a table "old_php_ini"... Don't delete it!
    But drop the table "php_ini"

    1. drop table php_ini;

    Now you have to create the new php_ini table

    1. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `php_ini` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `admin_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `domain_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `domain_type` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'dmn', `disable_functions` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, shell, symlink, popen, proc_open', `allow_url_fopen` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'off', `display_errors` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'off', `error_reporting` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT', `post_max_size` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '10', `upload_max_filesize` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '10', `max_execution_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '30', `max_input_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '60', `memory_limit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '128', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE `unique_php_ini` (`admin_id`,`domain_id`,`domain_type`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

    Now run the setup again

    1. perl imscp-autoinstall -d
  • Hi TheCry,

    Really thank you for helping me, I had an snapshot so I just rollback.
    Now is as it was before starting the upgrade, there is some step I can do before start the installation to avoid the error?

    And regarding the usernames and passwords, are the same I am currently using?

    Thank you!

  • @TheCry

    Ohhhh.. bad issue...But i'd the same error on one server, so i think i can help.
    Login on the ssh console...

    From which i-MSCP version you did upgraded? And if you remember, what was your SQL server vendor and version?

    Take a look on the table "php_ini" in phpmyadmin.
    I think the index on the column "domain_id" is not available. Try to add the index and run the setup

    Even if the domain_id index is missing, the update r267 shouldn't file (theorically). There is a check:

    1. if (($dropQueries = $this->dropIndexByColumn('php_ini', 'domain_id'))) { foreach ($dropQueries as $dropQuery) { execute_query($dropQuery); }}


  • @adrian.rico

    Can you backup your current php_ini table (state before upgrade attempt) and send it to us? The best would be to give us access to the server.


  • Mhhh.. I did a OS upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie. I use MySQL.
    As i remeber correctly it was i-MSCP 1.2.x

    So I'll give a try too because I encountered identical error on one of my customer server... Thank for your feedback.


  • @TheCry

    This was latest version in 1.2.x Serie? If you can remember, that would help me a lot ;)
