Disk Quota Error

  • Hi,

    I get this Mails from one of my Servers.


    An error has been raised while executing function main in/var/www/imscp/engine/quota/imscp-dsk-quota:main::quotaFiles: Couldn't connect to SQL server: SQL database connectiontimeout ...propagated at/var/www/imscp/engine/quota/../PerlLib/iMSCP/Database/mysql.pm line 105,<$fh> line 406.

    The corresponding logfile:

    Code: imscp-dsk-quota.log
    1. [[0;31mERROR[0m] main::quotaFiles: Couldn't connect to SQL server: SQL database connection timeout
    2. ...propagated at /var/www/imscp/engine/quota/../PerlLib/iMSCP/Database/mysql.pm line 105, <$fh> line 406.
    3. $fh> line 406.

    Server Info:
    Debian 9.1
    i-mscp 1.5.1
    MariaDB 10.1.26
    PHP 5.6.31


  • Couldn't connect to SQL server: SQL database connection timeout

    The message is not clear enough?


  • It is, but I do not know why and how to solve this, as it is only a problem in (or with) the dsk-quota-script.
    Any ideas why the connections times out? Or how to debug?

    The script was not able to connect to your MySQL server within 5 seconds and therefore an error was thrown. There is not much to debug here.

    You can always run the script manually as follow:

    1. perl / var / www / imscp / engine / quota / imscp-dsk-quota -v

    and see if you can confirm the problem.


  • Maybe the time is the problem. I will change it to run at 6 in the morning and will have a look.
    The problem is not daily and the debugging did not show anything (in this direction).

    Will come back to let you know.


  • Same problem here on multiple servers

    I-mscp 1.4.4
    Debian 8

    I ám currently on my way, going to home and more details come.

    i-MSCP 1.5.3
    Plugins (latest version): ClamAV, CronJobs, DomainAutoApproval, LetsEncrypt, OpenDKIM, PanelRedirect, PhpSwitcher, PolicydSPF, Postgrey, RecaptchaPMA, RoundcubePlugins, SpamAssasin, WHMCS

  • @Dylan

    You should avoid pollute community threads with problems that are not directly bound... Your problem here (file locking issue) has nothing to do with the problem (database connection timeout) that has been reported by @ciscllc. You must create your own thread! Furthermore, no support will be given to you because you don't use the last i-MSCP Serie. That is the last warn I give you.

    See also: Reporting rules - Reminder

    BTW: The problem is on your side, as clearly stated here:

    1. ERROR] Could not to open log file `/tmp/imscp-dsk-quota.log' for writting: Read-only file system

    Read-only file system == Check your system ! ! !


    Thread closed.
