InstantSSH and GIT

  • @TheCry

    There is already an application section defined for Git. In order, you must:

    • Add the git application section in list of active application sections
    • Trigger a plugin list update to force jail(s) rebuild

    To resume:

    1. ...// Active application sections//// This is the list of application sections which are used to create/update// the jails. Note that undefined application sections are simply ignored.'app_sections' => [ 'bashshell', 'netutils', 'dnsutils', 'editors'],...

    should be:

    1. // Active application sections//// This is the list of application sections which are used to create/update// the jails. Note that undefined application sections are simply ignored.'app_sections' => [ 'bashshell', 'netutils', 'dnsutils', 'editors', 'git'],

    The git application section which is already defined in the config.php file look as follows:

    Note that for current released version, short array syntax is not used.


  • I have tried to follow these instructions, but it does not work.

    I have edited config.php and added:

    "Update jails" does not add anything.
    I have tried to uninstall everything and install it again, but it doesn't work either.

    Finally, to test, I manually copied the git files to jail (/var/chroot/InstantSSH/shared_jail) and it worked, but i wouldn't want to do it this way.

    Why does the "Update Jails" button ignore the configuration file?