I made some of my services available using apache 2 proxy settings to avoid direct contact to the service itselfe. For that I am using the Proxy Features from Apache 2. My config I use inside the domain config in /etc/apache2/imscp/ is e.g.:
It seems, that LetsEncrypt has troubles to generate or update certs and I think the issue is that all traffic gets proxied and the needed files could not be accessed from LetsEncrypt servers. If that is true, it would be great to get a fix for that in one of the next releases. Maybe one solution could be to search the config for "ProxyPass" and if it is there to replace the config file during update of the cert.
Support Informatione:
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
- I-MSCP: 1.4.6 "Zimmer" - 20170616
- LetsEncrypt: 3.2.1