LetsEncrypt plugins gerenate on panel have error

  • Hello,
    I installed on least letsencrypt version.But I see error message when I gerenate panel ssl.
    Please see attachment.
    I have uninstalled letsencrypt and I make sure panel url has dns A record.
    How to fix it?

  • So please check again your DNS.


  • Sorry,
    My panel url is admin.web-new3.jieliku.com.Not new3.jieliku.com

    It's my test

  • @akong7777

    Give us access to your server.


  • @akong7777

    The problem is that you are behind a firewall and that your sites are not reacheable from inside the server. For instance, when I do: wget admin.web-new3.jieliku.com from your server, I get a timeout. It seem that your server cannot reach itself through public IP (that is something that you must solve on firewall side).

    As workaround, I've added the following entry in your /etc/hosts file:

    1. admin.web-new3.jieliku.com admin

    And then, I've been able to enable letsencrypt.

    Thread closed.
