Mountpoints will be removed from i-MSCP

  • A lot of people really like the domain alias/subdomain redirection for temporary uses, it is a good and necessary feature, that is great i-MSCP has it.

    I've changed update path rules according your advices. ;)…m-i-MSCP?pid=9753#pid9753

    Thanks for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • I know the difference of redirection, Alias etc.

    For now a (domain) alias in i-MSCP is "another domain".

    so the question is:
    would it be possible to define some type of "another domain" or "subdomain". The types would be:
    - an own mount point for a unique website...
    - Redirect to another URL
    - (Apache) ServerAlias to an existing domain
    - plesk had this - but it's not really a needed option: iframe -> show another website in an iframe... (instead of redirect...)

    At least the first three types have differences and their "right to exist"...

    Even if you tell me "ServerAlias" is not good because of SEO problems then it's not necessary told that a serverAlias always have to show the same web content as the original Domain.
    Eg. TYPO3 can handle different domains to show different content - but the DocumentRoot have to be the same for all the domains - so (Apache) ServerAlias would be a good option.

    You can follow me?


  • Re ;

    - an own mount point for a unique website...
    - Redirect to another URL
    - (Apache) ServerAlias to an existing domain
    - plesk had this - but it's not really a needed option: iframe -> show another website in an iframe... (instead of redirect...)

    Well, I can do that. It's basically what I wanted do, excepted for the ServerAlias.

    iframe usage is for invisible redirections. It's a workaround that I don't really like but well, we can implements this later.

    Eg. TYPO3 can handle different domains to show different content - but the DocumentRoot have to be the same for all the domains - so (Apache) ServerAlias would be a good option.

    You can follow me?

    I follow you but usage of cms to manage other domains sound strange for me. I do not knows Typo so if you can provide me a test box, i'll be happy to see the behavior.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • iframe -> can wait... I don't like it either... but maybe others do like that.

    TYPO3 -> the behaviour is simple: put all domains on the same DocumentRoot (either with separated VirtualHosts or with ServerAlias - the latter seems simpler for me).

    Then you can tell TYPO3 to have several start-pages for different domains... I assume the distinguish is made according to the entered URL - so TYPO3 knows which domain was entered and can show the right page...
    this is done by adding so called "domain records" in the corresponding pages...

    So - for i-MSCP the goal is just to be able to add another domain (or subdomain) as a (Apache)ServerAlias to an already existing domain (with a mount point).
    Today I did it by selecting the same mount point (DocumentRoot) - or I just put a "ServerAlias" line in the correct included apache-conf... (without adding the domain to i-mscp).


  • Re ;

    Usage of the Apache ServerAlias directive for such thing (as Typo is able to do) make sense. Then I'll add that possibility. ;)

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP


  • Hello ;


    After further investigation, it's appears that is not possible to retrieve the owner of a shared mount point, excepted when the mount point is set to '/' (main domain). I'm talking about strictly identical mount points.

    Therefore, to resolve this problem, the administrator will have choice during setup to either let the installer set the owner in arbitrary way or be asked for each shared mount point.

    I'm proposing such dialogs:

    Dialog 1

    1. An important update should be made on your system during which any mount point will be moved to static mount point. Do you want be asked for owner of any shared mount point (strictly identical mount point), or do you want let the installer decide for you?[*] Choose owner of any shared mount point[ ] Let installer decide

    Dialog 2 (Only show if user don't let installer to choose shared mount point owner arbitrary - See Dialog 1 above)

    1. A shared mount point {SHARED_MOUNT_POINT} has been found. Please, choose the owner of this mount point below. For any other entity that use this mount point, an HTTP redirection (301) will be set.
    2. [*] sub1.domain.tld
    3. [ ] sub2.domain1.tld
    4. [ ] alias.tld

    Is it ok for you?

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello ;

    I don't think that such information is stored in MySQL logs Anyway, the update must work on any environment. Logs are too much volatile.

    Thanks for using i-MSCP


  • Well - of course, it's not a secure method - but if you have a list of alias/subdomains you can look them up in the log and then you know which one was created first...

    Maybe this can be one of the decision basics for the automated variant...
