Update from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 failed

  • Hi Folks,

    I got a couple of errors concerning imscp while doing apt-get update and afterwards apt-get dist-upgrade. So I tried to upgrade I-MSCP first, but it fails. Seems I forgot to disable plugins first, see screenshot attached. So what can I do to get the server working again?


    • setup2.png

      (58.46 kB, downloaded 14 times, last: )
  • Hello @symphosius

    Can you please follow our Reporting rules - Reminder

    What error messages do you get by following command:

    1. apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

    You can manually deactivate plugins via mysql:

    1. # mysql -u root -p
    2. > use imscp;
    3. > UPDATE plugin SET plugin_status = 'disabled';

    Best regards

    Support Infos: I-MSCP Version: 1.5.x / Distro: Debian Stretch / PHP: 7.1.27 - FPM / I-MSCP Plugins: Let´s Encrypt + PHPSwitcher (latest Versions)

  • Thank you FloRet88,

    I did apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade - no errors any more. After your SQL-Query there were no errors running perl imscp-autoinstall -d. The Control-panel is reachable, but no hosted site is. It isn't possible to reactivate any plugin via the control-Panel.
    edit: In addition: I remarked, that no backups have been written to /"domain"/backup

  • Hello,

    is the apache2 service running?

    1. service apache2 status

    When no, try to restart the apache2 service.

    1. service apache2 restart

    For reactivating the plugins:

    Do you get any error messages in the backend / error logs?

    Which plugins you are using - Please give us all informations regarding our Reporting Rules!!! Without information, we can not help you!

    Best regards

    Support Infos: I-MSCP Version: 1.5.x / Distro: Debian Stretch / PHP: 7.1.27 - FPM / I-MSCP Plugins: Let´s Encrypt + PHPSwitcher (latest Versions)

  • I did apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade - no errors any more. After your SQL-Query there were no errors running perl imscp-autoinstall -d. The Control-panel is reachable, but no hosted site is. It isn't possible to reactivate any plugin via the control-Panel.
    edit: In addition: I remarked, that no backups have been written to /"domain"/backup

    PLEASE: Follow our reporting rules.

    One thread = one subject (problem).

    Thread closed.
