What next feature you want see in i-MSCP

  • Hello ;

    With the MyDNS plugin, which is still under development, you'll be able to do identical thing. This plugin will provide such API.


    Sorry I just came back and edited my post as you answered!

    That is fantastic, I look forward to this!! I had a quick look for information about it, but could not find any (maybe I searched the wrong place). Will this synchronize between master/slave?

  • Hi,

    Sorry I just came back and edited my post as you answered!

    That is fantastic, I look forward to this!! I had a quick look for information about it, but could not find any (maybe I searched the wrong place). Will this synchronize between master/slave?

    You are surely talking about slave server provisioning here. Of course, it's planned.


  • voted the Cronjobs

    please why i got this message

    You cannot start a new support thread here as you have been denied support on these forums.

  • please why i got this message

    You cannot start a new support thread here as you have been denied support on these forums.

    Hello ;

    Because you must learn more about Linux before posting on our forum. Your questions are those from a beginner and i-MSCP is not for beginners. Of course, if you give us some money, we can go ahead and forget about your poor brain. We can play like teacher but not for nothing ;)

    Note: Read all your previous posts to understand my reaction...


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • I know that everyone has his own requests, his own priorities, also I know that the team has, maybe, a clear plan to make the future of I-MSCP, but anyway, I'll come with an old an unsolved problem, maybe interesting for many others: the PostgreSQL. Is there any chance to see PostgreSQL support in I-MSCP?
    To be more specific, I'm not telling about the I-MSCP database itself, I'm talking about users, databases for customers, something as it is in mysql support, to set the number of users and databases for a hosting plan, to create/edit/delete users and databases and, maybe, a link to an admin application as phppgadmin.

    Just asking...

    EDITING: About the poll from the begining of this thread, I've voted the cronjobs, maybe the most interesting.

  • If you want a better performance than MySQL, try I-mscp with Maria db. At this moment it has perfect compatibility with MySQL.
    From my point of view, I would like to see i-mscp running under NAT in cloud environments. Best example, OpenStack and Amazon EC2.

  • Some news

    The SSH access (full or jailed) is now available through the InstantSSH plugin. Despite of the vote result, the CronJobs plugin was postponed because the InstantSSH plugin, which provides the layer for the build of jailed environments, was a pre-requirement for the jailed cronjobs. The development of the cronjob plugin is taking place right now. You can follow the developement at https://github.com/i-MSCP/plug…master/incubator/CronJobs

    It should be noted that jailkit is not used by the InstantSSH plugin to create the jailed environments. Jailkit is poorly coded and not well maintained.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP ;)


  • Cronjobs plugin (reseller interface preview)



  • Preview of the cron job interface for admin users (yes, they can also have they cron jobs ;)

