Alias Domains anlegen geht nicht

  • Hallo!

    Debian 8.6
    i-mscp 1.3.16
    ein paar plugins (DomainAutoApprove, Clamav, serverdefaultpage, panelredirect, postgrex, postscreen, spamassassin)

    Ich bekomme beim Anlegen der Alias Domains folgenden Fehler:

    1. System was unable to create the `` domain alias:
    2. SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry
    3. '' for key 'mail_addr'

    Möchte aber noch nicht auf die 1.4er updaten.

    Bitte um Hilfe. Danke!

  • @ciscllc

    Execute the following query and try again

    1. mysql -u root -p<password>
    2. > use imscp;
    3. > DELETE FROM mail_users WHERE mail_addr = '';
    4. > \q

    Do this for any duplicate entry. Note that there should be not such duplicates in normal context. You surely have done something wrong.

    Bear in mind that the support for the i-MSCP Serie < 1.3.x will end soon. Best would be to upgrade your distribution, then upgrade your i-MSCP installation to the 1.4.x Serie.


  • Thank you. I will do the upgrade, but not at the moment. Thanks.

    I do not know, what to do wrong ;-)

    But for sure, I have no such entries in my mail_users table. And therefor I cannot delete them...


  • Hello @ciscllc


    Danke für Deine Rückmeldung und Feedback!

    Super das Du das Problem lösen konntest.

    Thema geschlossen.



    Thanks for getting back to us and your feedback!

    Great that you solved it!

    Thread closed.

    Best regards

    Support Infos: I-MSCP Version: 1.5.x / Distro: Debian Stretch / PHP: 7.1.27 - FPM / I-MSCP Plugins: Let´s Encrypt + PHPSwitcher (latest Versions)