LetsEncrypt plugin v3.1.0 RELEASED

  • Dear community,

    A new version of the LetsEncrypt plugin has just been released.

    Version compatible with i-MSCP 1.3.x Serie (version >= 1.3.1) or 1.4.x Serie


    • Added: Http test for the /.well-known/acme-challenge/ URL path reachability - Executed for all added SANs (FrontEnd)
    • Fixed: ACME challenge failure due to missing Apache2 reload after plugin activation (Certbot)
    • Fixed: Make use of the `--cert-name' option in all contexts to avoid duplicate SSL certificate errors (Certbot)
    • Fixed: Plugin installation/upgrade failure when SQL strict mode is enabled (FrontEnd)
    • Fixed: SQL TEXT data type cannot have default value - Error raised when SQL strict mode is enabled (FrontEnd)
    • Review: UI layout - Moved SANs data in dedicated dialog box for a cleaner overview (FrontEnd)
    • Removed: DNS checks - replaced by the /.well-known/acme-challenge/ URL path reachability http test (FrontEnd)
    • Removed: `resolvers' plugin configuration parameter
    • Removed: Useless information in administrator and client interfaces (FrontEnd)
    • Updated: certbot-auto from version 0.12.0 to version 0.13.0
    • Updated: Translation files

    Once connected on our forums, you can purchase this plugin at https://i-mscp.net/index.php/PaidSubscriptionList/

    Thank you for using our plugins.
