I need to change nameserver for some domains only. For the rest of the domains I want to continue to use the local bind managed by imscp.
I see that, at the creation of domain, /var/cache/bind/<domain>.<ext>.db contain the record
Quote from meDisplay More<domain>.<ext> IN SOA ns1.<domain>.<ext>. hostmaster.<domain>.<ext>. (
2017030110 ; serial
10800 ; refresh (3 hours)
3600 ; retry (1 hour)
1209600 ; expire (2 weeks)
3600 ; minimum (1 hour)
NS ns1.<domain>.<ext>.
A <imscp_IP>
ns1.<domain>.<ext>. is automatically created.
I want to change the NS to include 4 external NS and to not include imscp bind.
I found some tutorial how to disable at all internal bind for all domains, but is not what I need.
I tried to add some record A with ns1.<domain>.<ext> but it still have the imscp ip also, so 1 call on 5 go to internal bind.
The best would be if I can use external dns name record and not IP, because the external NS can also change ip (it is not common but I can know isp idea and they have all right to do this).
I use the lat version of imscp, enabled external mx and custom dns records.
Thank you