i-mscp 2nd server as "failover server"

  • Possible to install i-mscp on 2nd server for using as failover server?

    What i thought:
    Install i-mscp on primery server
    install i-mscp on secondary server with slave bind
    copy zone files from server 1 to server 2 (https://i-mscp.net/index.php/T…condary-Nameserver-Howto/)
    sync user files/mails/db with rsync

    Is this will working or not?

    What i would: If server 1 goes down, server 2 must be keep sites online instead of server1

    I have 1-2 specific site and i need high available system.

    Thanks answers, tips, tutorials :D

  • The right approach for doing that would be virtualization, not "brutal" server cloning.
    A VMware virtual server in a HA environment will always be reachable, plus a lot of other things like snapshots and so on...

  • my problem is: last year was some full system down where i rent my vps. not just my vps, the entire (or part of) datacenter was dead.... i lost money because my customer can't use my site. This year i'm thinking rent vps from two separate company (one in the usa on in europe) and making slave server with i-mscp. resync can update only changes, so i'm not excepting too high traffic for "cloning". Otherwise i dont want to clone server just customer files...

  • I know your problem, it's a common one.
    You just should choose a good provider where to place your vServer... You know what people say: You get what you pay for !

    Putting one server in the US and one in EU is not the solution, you'll just encounter problems just because when you need to switch you have to touch DNS records. And you have to pray that every customer has followed your instructions in what to type in registrar's interface...

  • I hope when i use ns2 and multiple A record i/customers dont need to change DNS record if not responding ns1. Maybe i need to change zone templating on server1 and server2. Am I thinking wrong?

  • @gabesz86

    Yes, you're thinking wrong. Adding multiple A records for same domain with different IP is called DNS round-robin and I doubt that it is what you want.


  • @gabesz86

    Yes, you're thinking wrong. Adding multiple A records for same domain with different IP is called DNS round-robin and I doubt that it is what you want.

    Ok. Have you another idea, advice, tip, solution, help for my problem? :D PLS help me. You are the main developer so i beleive you :D