Authenticator support

  • well nuxwin probably cant really check it because according to his sidebar he only can english and french

    lemme check this for a sec.

    well in General it looks fine, but

    line 58 seems empty for the german translation.

    asperger inside(tm)

  • Thanks @My1 - looks like that i skipped this line!

    @Nuxwin - Now, here you can find the full filled german translation!


    • de_DE.po

      (5.83 kB, downloaded 4 times, last: )

    Support Infos: I-MSCP Version: 1.5.x / Distro: Debian Stretch / PHP: 7.1.27 - FPM / I-MSCP Plugins: Let´s Encrypt + PHPSwitcher (latest Versions)

  • @FloRet88

    Thank you for your contribution. That is much appreciated.


    Thank you for your review. That is much appreciated.


  • @My1

    msgid ""

    Here is a continued msgid (mutli-line message identifier). That the soup from gettext tools ;)


  • @My1

    That is not mandatory. That is done like this for reading purpose. But key, those files get compiled to machine object files anyway. They are not used as such ;)


  • People that want use Yubikey devices or similar hardware for U2F with Debian must have this udev rules file:



    Without those rules, devices are not readable/writable by non-root users and therefore, they won't be able to register their devices...

    See also:


  • lolwhat they cant run u2f sticks without root access (I guess the udev rules have to be added as root)

    asperger inside(tm)