Plugin::LetsEncrypt: Punycode domains are not presently supported

  • Hello,

    I just tried to activate Let's Encrypt for my german Umlauts domain. But with debug mode enabled I see the following Error:

    1. [Thu Nov 3 19:08:04 2016] [debug] Modules::Plugin::_call: Calling run() method on Plugin::LetsEncrypt
    2. [Thu Nov 3 19:08:04 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /usr/local/sbin/certbot-auto certonly --no-self-upgrade --text --agree-tos --non-interactive --verbose --force-renewal --email --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/virtual/LetsEncrypt --domains --domains
    3. [Thu Nov 3 19:08:05 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: Command exited with value: 1
    4. [Thu Nov 3 19:08:05 2016] [error] Plugin::LetsEncrypt::run: Punycode domains are not presently supported:

    On the project page you can see, that they added support for punycode domains: https://community.letsencrypt.…idn-support-enabled/21469

    Is this support missing in the current plugin?


  • I just tried to activate Let's Encrypt for my german Umlauts domain. But with debug mode enabled I see the following Error:

    Latest LetsEncrypt plugin version which is available in our plugin store doesn't support IDNs and normally, you cannot enable LetsEncrypt for IDNs. But in the coming version which will be released soon, IDNs will be supported.

    CHANGELOG for the coming version:

    1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added: `certbot_self_update' configuration parameter (Allows to enable/disable self-update of the certbot client) Added: `certbot_version' configuration parameter (Allows usage of development version of the certbot client) Added: file (update notes for new versions) Fixed: Avoid too many SQL queries by adding `admin_id', `domain_id' and `domain_type' columns to letsencrypt table Fixed: Certbot client is never updated Fixed: Could not disable HSTS for subdomains Fixed: Don't try to revoke SSL certificates that are missing on the filesystem; Only remove the entries in database Fixed: IDNs (Internationalized Domain Names) are now supported by LetsEncrypt (Closes: #IP-1648) Fixed: The `www' prefix is now optional (Closes: #IP-1646) Renamed: `certbot_cmd' configuration parameter to `certbot_path' Renamed: `certbot_cmd_create_options' configuration parameter to `certbot_create_options' Renamed: `certbot_cmd_revoke_options' configuration parameter to `certbot_revoke_options' Updated: Certbot client to version 0.9.3 Updated: Translation files for the coming version

    To resume, you must wait LetsEncrypt version 1.2.0.


  • Hi,

    I just installed LetsEncrypt version 2.0.5 and tried to get a certificate for my IDN domain. In the gui it says: Punycode domains are not presently supported: *******.ch

    It should be supported since version 1.2.0 right? So how can I find out what's wrong?


  • It should be supported since version 1.2.0 right? So how can I find out what's wrong?

    You could find out what's wrong by reading the file inside the plugin archive, specially the following part:

    # Update to version 1.2.0

    ## IDNs support (Internationalied Domain Names)

    The support for IDNs has been added However, note that the version of the certbot client that adds support for the IDNs has not been published yet (at least at time when this new plugin version has been released).

    If you want to enable support for IDNs, you must use the development version of the certbot client by setting the valueof the certbot_version parameter to develop in the plugin configuration file. Once done, don't forget to trigger aplugin list update through the i-MSCP plugin management interface.

    Note that when the certbot client version that supports IDNs names will be released, the usage of the developmentversion of the certbot client will no longer be mandatory.

    Be aware that using the development version of the certbot client can lead to other issues. This is the development version and as such, stability of this version cannot be guaranteed by us. You're warned.

    Thread closed.
