I just tried to activate Let's Encrypt for my german Umlauts domain. But with debug mode enabled I see the following Error:
- [Thu Nov 3 19:08:04 2016] [debug] Modules::Plugin::_call: Calling run() method on Plugin::LetsEncrypt
- [Thu Nov 3 19:08:04 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /usr/local/sbin/certbot-auto certonly --no-self-upgrade --text --agree-tos --non-interactive --verbose --force-renewal --email test@test.de --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/virtual/LetsEncrypt --domains xn--test-test-wwb.de --domains www.xn--test-test-wwb.de
- [Thu Nov 3 19:08:05 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: Command exited with value: 1
- [Thu Nov 3 19:08:05 2016] [error] Plugin::LetsEncrypt::run: Punycode domains are not presently supported: xn--test-test-wwb.de
On the project page you can see, that they added support for punycode domains: https://community.letsencrypt.…idn-support-enabled/21469
Is this support missing in the current plugin?